WAGBA‘s pursuit of its objectives requires the trust of its members and stakeholders in the West Australian community. This can only be achieved if WAGBA maintains a culture of integrity, honesty and openness in the conduct of its affairs, and all interactions with staff, public and private organisations, members and their representatives.

This code outlines the key behaviour expectations of WAGBA, its employees and members, and anyone acting on behalf of WAGBA, as required to uphold the good standing of WAGBA.


WAGBA shall conduct its affairs ethically and in compliance with all legislation and applicable rules and standards.

WAGBA members and personnel (whether officers, committee members, volunteers, employees or contractors, together referred to as Personnel below) must deal honestly and truthfully with each other, and with all third parties dealing with WAGBA.


WAGBA income and assets must be used solely in connection with the pursuit of its objectives stated under its Rules of Association.

WAGBA cannot receive a contribution or sponsorship if it is subject to conditions that are not aligned with the Association’s objectives and this Code.


WAGBA books and records must be true and fair.  All transactions must be properly and accurately recorded, and all book entries supported by proper documentation issued by bona fide parties.

All records must be retained in accordance with applicable laws and WAGBA policies.


Bribery of Public and Private Officials: Anyone acting on behalf of WAGBA, whether employee, officer, member or contractor, must not offer an improper advantage to any official, officer or employee of a government or private organisation that may be seen as attempting to influence decisions or actions in violation of their duties.

Gifts and entertainment:  No sponsorship, gift, hospitality or entertainment should be offered or accepted if they influence improperly or create the appearance of an improper influence on business or government processes or decisions. Gifts, hospitality and entertainment shall not exceed what is usual in normal business relations and appropriate with regards to WAGBA objectives.

Gifts received: Personnel and Members of the Committee must declare to the Committee any personal gift or hospitality offered to them valued in excess A$150 and A$300 respectively by anyone dealing with WAGBA prior accepting.

Gifts offered by WAGBA: For all hospitality, gifts, charitable contributions or sponsorships offered by WAGBA, prior clearance must be obtained from the President (above $100) or the Committee (above $1,000).  Sponsorships and donations must be in line with WAGBA objectives.

Participation of public Officials at WAGBA Events and functions: Invitation of a public official (whether staff or presentative of local, state or federal government or government owned entities, or political parties) as guest or speaker to a WAGBA held function or event must be approved in advance by the Committee.

Record keeping: All hospitality, sponsorships, gifts, and contributions larger than the above-mentioned limits given by WAGBA or received by WAGBA must be recorded.


WAGBA facilities, WAGBA meetings and events hosted by WAGBA should not be used as a forum for any form of communication or interaction that may be considered anti-competitive or cartel behaviour or conduct amongst members under applicable legislation.


Inclusiveness and equality: All WAGBA Personnel must be treated and evaluated solely on their job-related skills, qualifications, behaviour and performance.  WAGBA bases all aspects of the employment relationship on the principle of equal opportunity, regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, political affiliation, union membership, nationality, sexual orientation, social origin, age or disability.

Courtesy and respect: WAGBA facilities, WAGBA meetings and events hosted by WAGBA should be free of any form of bullying, harassment or inappropriate behaviour.  Members and Personnel must be respectful at all times in dealing with other WAGBA Personnel and members, as well as other WAGBA stakeholders, suppliers, service providers, hosts and guests.


Conflicts of interest, or the possible appearance of a conflict of interest, must be avoided. Personnel are expected to declare immediately the Committee as soon as they become aware that their personal interests or the personal interests of their close relatives or close friends may potentially conflict with the interests of WAGBA.  Personnel must abstain from the decision-making process as long they are affected by a potential conflict of interest.

WAGBA procurement of services and goods from Personnel or a member of WAGBA requires approval of the Committee.


WAGBA respects and protects the confidential information received from members and third parties in the course of its activities and takes appropriate measures to prevent accidental disclosure.  WAGBA respects the privacy and confidential nature of the personal information of its employees and members.  WAGBA only acquires and maintains the personal data of Personnel or members to the extent required for the effective pursuit of its objectives or for complying with legal requirements. No Personnel should seek access to personal or confidential data, unless for a legitimate purpose related to WAGBA’s activities. This obligation continues after the end of the employment relationship of Personnel.