Honorary Members
The Hon. Sue Ellery MLC
Minister for Finance, Commerce; Women's Interests
The Hon. Sabine Winton MLA
Minister for Early Childhood Education; Child
Protection; Prevention of Family and
Domestic Violence; Community
Francis Landels
Former Honorary Consul of Austria
Prof Dr Alexandra Ludewig
University of Western Australia
The Hon. Dr Mike Nahan
Former Treasurer, Minister and Leader of the Opposition in WA
The Hon. Alannach MacTiernan
Former Minister for Hydrogen Industry of WA
Associated Members
Peter Abetz
Councillor of the City of Gosnells
Life Members
Torsten Ketelsen OAM
Peter Wagner
Bill Hassell AM
Andreas Walewski
Christine Nicol-Burmeister OAM
Juergen Fischer
Hans Fohlmeister
Norman Daffen
Gary Barber
Robert Franck
Peter Messer
Claus Paulus